Wednesday, August 5, 2020

MYANMAR - CCIE Hall of Fame

MYANMAR - CCIE Hall of Fame

CCIE# 10141 - KYAW KHINE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 11763 - MICHAEL (2-Service Provider, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 19431 - ZAW OO (2,Storage Networking, Data Center)
CCIE# 23316 - KAUNG HTET (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 24573 - ZAY YAR PHYOE (2,Service Provider, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 24725 - SAI LWIN THU (1,Service Provider)
CCIE# 35595 - KYAW THURA (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 37701 - WIN NAING TUN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 37872 - NAY WIN AUNG (2,Enterprise Infrastructure, Data Center)
CCIE# 38100 - AUNG PHYO LWIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 38451 - NYEIN CHAN TUN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 38501 - SAI NYAN LYNN SWE (3,Enterprise Infrastructure, Service Provider, Data Center)
CCIE# 39052 - SOEMOE KYAW (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 39081 - HLA MIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 41045 - THEIN MYINT KHINE (1,Service Provider)
CCIE# 42063 - AUNG MOE OO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 43671 - WIN NAING (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 44324 - KYAW MYO OO (1,Service Provider)
CCIE# 44325 - YE NAUNG OO (1,Security)
CCIE# 48042 - ZAW KYAW (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 48131 - THANT ZIN TUN (1,Service Provider)
CCIE# 48149 - VICTOR SENG LEE A KYAW HTIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 48642 - KYAW SWAR WIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 48670 - NAING LIN (2,Enterprise Infrastructure, Service Provider)
CCIE# 49729 - NAY KHANT ZAW (2,Enterprise Infrastructure, Data Center)
CCIE# 50446 - WIN KYAW PHYOE (1,Collaboration)
CCIE# 50505 - AUNG NAING MOE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 51658 - AUNG KHING SAW OO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 51682 - ARKAR BO BO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 51746 - AUNG ZAW HEIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 52207 - HTUN WIN NAING (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 52471 - THEI SHA HTOO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 52820 - PYAE SONE MOE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 52821 - HTIN KYAW OO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 52834 - SOE MINN HTET (2,Enterprise Infrastructure, Collaboration)
CCIE# 53106 - WAIHIN LWIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 53660 - LWIN LWIN AUNG (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 53821 - MIN WAI (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 54104 - SAI SAW MIN NAING (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 54468 - ZAW MYO THET (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 54487 - THAW ZIN KHA (2,Enterprise Infrastructure, Security)
CCIE# 55085 - SAW SAR BLUT DOH (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 55535 - NANDA KYAW (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 55589 - NYAN WIN (1,Collaboration)
CCIE# 55994 - BI RAN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 56101 - YAN NAING AUNG (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 56572 - PHYO WAI AUNG (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 56589 - THANT ZIN SOE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 56975 - YAN NAING OO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 56978 - MYO ZAW HTET (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57007 - SAW YAN PAING (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57017 - AUNG MYO TUN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57018 - MYO MYINT ZAW (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57240 - AUNG THAN HTWE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57249 - PHYO HTET AUNG (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57251 - ZAW MIN HTANN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57261 - YE MIN OO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57426 - PHYO WAI TUN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57758 - WAI YAN TIN WIN (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 57847 - TIN SWE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58249 - WAI PHYO AUNG (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58568 - MYO HTET (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58570 - THET PINE SOE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58651 - SOE THAN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58654 - SOE MIN HTIKE (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58710 - SAI KYAW ZIN PHYO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58711 - THAN HTIKE WAI (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58769 - KYAW MYO OO (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 58981 - SAW MAR NAY GAW TAW (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59100 - THU YA AUNG (1,Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59277 - WAI YAN LIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59279 - LIN LIN OO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59349 - NAN WIN PA PA HTOON (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59531 - HTET AUNG BO  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59539 - YARZAR SEIN WIN  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59594 - AUNG NAING WIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59654 - NYAN HTOO AUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59676 - AUNG KYAW ZIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 59870 - JU ZAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60007 - MAW KHANT LWIN  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60077 - KYAW KYAW SAN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60104 - THUREIN HTOO  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60270 - KYAW NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60375 - WIN WIN CHO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60700 - ZAW HTET (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60750 - SAN NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 60874 - CHAN MYAE AUNG  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61014 - NYI NYI ZIN  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61173 - PYAE PHYO KYAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61181 - WAI PHYO NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61377 - AUNG THU (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61379 - KYAW SOE HAN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61458 - KYAW PYAE SONE WIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61463 - TIN MAUNG SANMYINTOO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61468 - PAING SOE HTET (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61496 - YE THURA AUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61505 - YE HTET NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61516 - SOE PYAE SONE TUN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61523 - SITHU MAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61524 - AUNG SAN MOE (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61771 - ZAYAR WIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 61957 - KYI THAR NYEIN CHAN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62075 - RA WAI HTUN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62110 - YAR ZAR TUN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62158 - EI EI TUN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62423 - SOE MYAT THU (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62424 - THANT ZAY YAR (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62426 - THET PAING OO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62430 - ZAY YAR NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62456 - CHUN MYA (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62546 - ZARNI MYINT SWE (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62547 - AUNG THURA (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 62775 - ARKAR AUNG (1, Security)
CCIE# 63013 - HEIN HTET ZAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63032 - PHYO HLAING WIN (1, Security)
CCIE# 63116 - PYAE THET WIN (1, Service Provider)
CCIE# 63189 - HEIN KYAW KYAW MYINT (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63225 - PHYO TAY ZAR AUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63400 - TIN NAING LINN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63403 - ZIN MINN KO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63655 - KAUNG MYAT TUN (1, Security)
CCIE# 63747 - MYO THU (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63850 - KYAW MYINT KHINE (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 63951 - AUNG YE KYAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64002 - YE MYINT THU (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64133 - AUNG KAUNG SETT (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64148 - KAUNG MYAT OO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64154 - KAUNG HEIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64172 - NYAN LIN SOE (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64193 - MYA THET NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64256 - PHYO PAING THU (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64278 - THU YA SOE (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64281 - SAT PAING LHWUN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64293 - CHAN MYAE AUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64319 - MAY THA ZIN NAING (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64342 - WAI MIN HAN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64461 - AYE CHAN MAUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64478 - AUNG THURA (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64489 - THIHA ZAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64510 - THIHA THU WIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64652 - SANN LYNN TUN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 64800 - YE MYAT HEIN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure) 
CCIE# 64824 - WAI PHYO KYAW (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 65004 - AUNG MYINT MYAT (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 65036 - KYAW MYO LINN (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 65254 - KHANT LWIN HTAY (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 65301 - KYAW THET AUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 65432 - ZAW LINN HTAY (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 65435 - WAI PHYO AUNG  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 66144 - AYE CHAN AUNG (1, Security)
CCIE# 66366 - THANT ZIN AUNG  (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 66367 - AUNG BO BO (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
CCIE# 66900 - WAI YAN MIN AUNG (1, Enterprise Infrastructure)
Total on the list: 153 (includes active, inactive, emeritus, and suspended). 
Credit:,,, BIM, DT, Facebook

Last Updated: 02-May-2023

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